Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan pekerja di lingkungan Daerah Operasi Unit Pengolahan (UP) II - VI, PT.PERTAMINA (PERSERO) membutuhkan 199 orang lulusan Diploma 3/Sederajat untuk dipekerjakan sebagai Operator Kilang dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:
1. Jenis kelamin laki-laki; Status belum menikah bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, atau Belum/Sudah menikah bagi pelamar dari pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.
2. Pendidikan terakhir D3 jurusan:
- Teknik Kimia (TK), Analis Kimia (AK), atau
- Teknik Listrik - Arus Kuat (TLA), Mesin (TM), Instrumen (TI), Lingkungan (TL), dengan latar belakang SMA jurusan IPA atau SMK jurusan Kimia.
3. IPK minimal 2.75.
4. Usia maksimal 24 tahun per 01/01/2008 bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, atau maksimal 32 tahun per 01/01/2008 bagi pelamar dan pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.
5. Tinggi badan minimal 160 cm.
6. Tercatat sebagai pencari kerja di Kantor Dinas Tenaga Kerja (Disnaker) setempat.
7. BebasNarkoba.
8. Berbadan sehat, tidak buta wama, dan diutamakan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
9. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah operasi PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO).
10. Lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi.
Bagi pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria tersebut di atas, dapat mengajukan surat lamaran dengan melampirkan dokumen:
a. Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
b. Copy ijazah D3 & SMA/sederajat yang telah dilegalisir.
c. Copy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir oleh pejabat berwenang.
d. Copy akte kelahiran/surat kenal lahir dari instansi berwenang.
e. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari Kepolisian setempat.
f. Surat Pernyataan Diri Bebas Narkoba di atas materai Rp. 6.000,-
g. Copy KTP/SIM yang masih berlaku.
h. Copy Kartu Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning/Hijau) yang masih berlaku.
i. 3 (tiga) lembar pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 (berwarna).
j. Alamat untuk surat panggilan (alamat terakhir dan kode pos).
Alamat lamaran:
Proses seleksi akan dilaksanakan di 5 (lima) wilayah Unit Pengolahan, yaitu: UP II-Dumai, UP III-Plaju, UP IV-Cilacap, UP V-Balikpapan, dan UP VI-Balongan, dan sekitarnya atau di tempat lain yang akan ditentukan kemudian.
Pelamar agar mengirimkan lamaran ke wilayah Unit Pengolahan terdekat dengan domisili/daerah asalnya.
Lamaran harus dikirimkan melalui Pos dalam amplop tertutup (pelamar tidak boleh menyampaikan langsung atau melalui perantara) dan dialamatkan kepada:
1. Team Rekrutasi
PO. BOX 1122
2. Tim Rekrutasi
PO. BOX 1111
Palembang 3000
3. Tim Rekrutasi Pertamina UP IV Cilacap
PO. BOX 2008
Cilacap 53200
4. PO. BOX NO. 634
Balikpapan 76100
5. Kepala Dinas Sosial & Tenaga Kerja Kab. Indramayu
PO. BOX 234
Indramayu - Jawa Barat
Pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran, cantumkan kode jurusan bagi pelamar dari luar Pertamina, atau “OS” bagi pelamar dan pekerja outsourcing Pertamina.
Lamaran selambat-lambatnya diterima tanggal : 31 Mei 2008 (stempel pos).
Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kriteria di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti tes/seleksi dan tidak dikenakan biaya apapun (tanpa biaya). Lamaran yang disampaikan sebelum pengumuman ini tidak akan diproses, dan surat lamaran yang telah dikirim tidak akan dikembalikan. Informasi lebih lanjut agar menghubungi UP tujuan lamaran atau Disnaker wilayah setempat.
:: Oil and Gas Jobs
Kamis, 22 Mei 2008
Vacancy at Pertamina
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Vacancy at Shell Indonesia
Shell is a business that’s built on ideas. We believe that for every problem, there’s a solution - that anything can be done if we put our minds to it. Turn gas to liquid? Difficult but not impossible. Make coal burn as cleanly as gas? With a bit of original thinking, yes.
Shell operates in over 140 countries and territories and employs more than 109,000 people, and is best known to the public for its high-quality lubricants, fuel service stations and for exploring and producing oil and gas on land and offshore.
Operating in Downstream Oil Products, Shell Indonesia serves business and motorist market segments. PT. Shell Indonesia, manages the business operations that include marketing and trading lubricants directly as well as through its appointed distributors.
Shell Indonesia has recorded a new milestone in history with the official opening of the first retail outlet in Karawaci, Tangerang. Shell is the first international oil company in Indonesia’s fuels retail business after 40 years.
The Shell fuels retail outlets have modern, fast flowing pumps, which provide a digitally printed receipt as manifestation of our commitment to provide high quality products with accurate quantity and the best service. Shell has aspirations to increase its number of retail outlets in Jakarta and other parts of Indonesia.
We are currently recruiting top calibre individuals to join our team in the following positions:
• Business Assurance Manager
• Operation Excellence Manager
• Retail Business Development Analyst
• Real Estate Acquisition Manager (Medan)
• Retail Marketing Manager
• Retail Territory Manager (Medan)
• Retail Sales Support Analyst
Supply and Distribution is dedicated to getting the right products to the right place at the right time. It’s involved in both the transport and delivery of finished products to Shell’s Downstream marketing businesses and customers, and the acquisition and delivery of feedstocks to Shell refineries and chemical plants.
We are currently recruiting top calibre individuals to join our team in the following positions:
• Engineering and Construction Project Manager
• Facility Engineer
• Senior Engineering Manager
• Terminal Manager (East Kalimantan)
• Terminal Manager (Medan)
• Terminal Manager (South Kalimantan)
Shell is the foremost player in the industrial lubricants market. Shell is the leader and innovator, capable of fulfilling a variety of engine types and requirements, such as hydraulic engine, gears, engine equipments, compressors and turbines. Shell provides a range of lubricant products that has been specially developed to fulfil the specific requirements of each industry such as mining, cement and electric power generator.
We are currently recruiting top calibre individuals to join our town in the following positions:
• Industrial Lubricants Marketing Manager
• Industrial Lubricants Sales Manager
• Mining Account Manager (Balikpapan)
• Regional Sales Manager (Jakarta)
• Regional Logistics Manager (Singapore/Malaysia/Indonesia)
Shell Indonesia’s compensation and benefits package is designed to recognise the experience and expertise of top talented professionals.
If you can apply clear thinking to some of the world’s biggest energy challenges, there is a great future for you at Shell.
For more information and to apply online, please visit → Professionals → Job Search → Region → Asia. Please quote reference XIO084B when applying.
Closing Date: June 4, 2008
Shell is an Equal Opportunity Employer
PT. Shell Indonesia
Ratu Prabu Building I
Jl. TB Simatupang No. 20
Jakarta 12560, Indonesia
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Vacancy at BHP Billiton
BHP Billiton is currently undertaking a study to determine the feasibility of developing a significant laterite nickel deposit in Eastern Indonesia. The opportunity would involve the construction of world-class mining facilities, a process plant and associated infrastructure.
If you have an overriding commitment to health, safety, environmental responsibility and sustainable development we invite you to join our dynamic high performance project team in Jakarta.
As a key member of the piping discipline team, you will be involved with a study for the development of a Green Field Nickel Development in Eastern Indonesia. You will be required to develop design piping engineering documentation in order to meet the study requirements whilst complying with industry best practices, applicable codes and standards. This role will support the piping discipline team in meeting the study objectives, schedule and budget. You will be involved in developing design criteria, specifications and provide input to plant layout. Support the study budget pricing effort by the review/evaluation and approval of vendor inquiry responses for major turn key packages and equipment.
Jakarta based position with occasional travel required.
Tertiary qualification in Mechanical Engineering, have gained substantial experience within the process piping industry to evaluate, analyse and approve piping systems in accordance with applicable codes and standards. Previous experiences on major resources project (hydrometallurgical processing) would be a distinct advantage. Intermediate skills in Microsoft Office Program and CAD applications for 3D design, 2D drawing production will also be highly regarded.
Applicants must hold Indonesian Nationality and authority to work in Indonesia
Please apply online before 2 June 2008 through jobs.bhpbilliton. com and enter the job refference number 438533
BHP Billiton has an overriding commitment to safety and environmental responsibility
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Vacancy at Petrosea, Tbk
Please visit this link
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