Qatargas Operating Company has exciting opportunities available for qualified professionals to join our company in the development of the vast North Field in Qatar. Qatargas currently has under development over $20 billion worth of major projects, including the construction of four new Liquefied Natural Gas trains for the production and export of LNG to every corner of the globe.
All the following positions require Oil, Gas or Petrochemical experience; minimum 10 years for senior positions and 6 years for junior positions, together with excellent oral and written English skills and computer knowledge.
Shift Supervisors:
• Graduate / Diploma holder with minimum 10 years experience in utilities plant process with 4 years in a supervisory role.
Senior Operator:
• Diploma with formal plant training.
• Able to lead his team on routine day to day process activities in Utilities plant
• Must be familiar with high pressure steam, power generation (STS, GTS), waste water treatment, flare system, N2 and air system.
• Minimum 10 years experience with 4 years as Senior Operator.
Rover Operator:
• Diploma with formal plant training.
• Must be familiar with high pressure steam, power generation (STS, GTS), waste water treatment, flare system, N2 and air system.
• Minimum 5 years experience in utilities plant.
Inlet Receiving
Shift Supervisors:
• Graduate / Diploma holder with minimum 10 years experience in ink receiving plant process with 4 years in a supervisory role.
Panel Operator:
• Graduate/ Diploma with minimum 6 years experience in receiving panel.
• Familiar with slug catcher, condensate stabilizer, piping operation, LPG treating and sour water injection.
Senior Operator:
• Diploma holder with formal plant training.
• Able to lead his team on routine day to day process activities in receiving plant.
• Familiar with slug catcher, condensate stabilizer, piping operation, LPG treating and sour water injection.
• Minimum 10 years experience with 4 years as Senior Operator.
Shift Supervisors:
• Minimum of 10 years experience within sulfur recovery plants, LNG /LPG.
• Familiar with CLAUS, superclaus and TGT processes.
• This is a senior supervisory level position, responsible for a team of operators, reporting directly to Head of Operation.
Panel Operator:
• Graduate/ Diploma with minimum 8 years experience in LNG / LPG, gas turbine and gas treating plant with through knowledge of process.
Rover Operator: • Diploma holder with formal plant training and minimum 5 years experience in LNG Plant, LPG Refinery or Gas Treating plant in the same position.
Rover Operator:
Diploma holder with formal plant training and minimum 5 years experience in LNG Plant, LPG Refinery or Gas Treating plant in the same position.
Panel Operator-offshore (onshore based):
• Frontline responsibility for monitoring and controlling operations of remote offshore wellheads.
• Must have deep technical knowledge of the equipment, an analytical approach and the ability to identify and act on real and potential problems.
• Will participate during commissioning, start-up and operations and be expected to travel to construction sites and offshore fields.
• High School graduate with minimum 8 years operator experience in the oil and gas sector, preferably offshore.
Common Sulfur Project
Panel Operator:
• Minimum 7 years of liquid sulfur handling, granulation, solid sulfur handling ship loading and utilities boiler, boiler feed water handling] experience, report writing, leadership abilities,
Senior Operator / Rover Operator:
• Minimum 5 years liquid and solid sulfur handling, granulation and ship loading experience.
• Able to handle utility packages like electric boilers, boiler feed water and Instrument air.
Tank Farm
Panel Operators, Senior Operators, Rover Operator:
• Able to understand the operating philosophy, principles and process parameters and control complex control systems.
• Experience with floating roof tanks, conical roof tanks operations and tanks / product behaviors with climatic changes.
Instrument Engineer:
• BSc in Instrument or Control System Engineering with 8 years maintenance experience in a modern oil or gas processing plant that uses DCSTFMR/PLC technology, including 5 years supervisory experience.
Mechanical Engineer:
• Bachelor s Degree in Mechanical Engineer with minimum 8 to 10 years experience in Oil and Gas industry.
• Trouble-shooting, performance monitoring and calculation of critical machinery such as pumps, compressors and gas turbines.
• Familiar with selection criteria of static and rotating equipment.
• Familiar with international standards. Able to manage crew of 10 to 15 technicians.
Condition Monitoring Engineer:
• Mechanical Engineering Degree together with 8 years experience with Condition Monitoring related to the Oil and Gas industry. Experience in LNG plant is an added plus.
• Specialized training in Machine Diagnostics and Condition Monitoring related to latest Bently Nevada systems.
• Experience on the maintenance and optimization of Machine Monitoring Systems.
Control Systems Engineer:
• BSc in Instrumentation or Control Systems, Computer Sciences or Software Engineering with 6 years experience in instrumentation design, maintenance or ideally within an oil or gas processing environment.
• Knowledge and/or experience in Foxboro IA system, PLC, TMR and ESD systems.
Analyzer Specialist:
• Diploma or degree in instrumentation or Electronics or equivalent with 8 years of experience in Oil & Gas / petrochemical / fertilizer industries dealing with online analyzers,
Electrical Control Engineer:
• BSc in Electrical Engineering with minimum 7 years hands-on experience in electrical protection/control commissioning, start-up and maintenance including 5 years in a supervisory position.
• Specific involvement in design development, construction, commissioning and Start-Up of ABB and/or Schneider ELICS/PMS would be an advantage.
Senior Electrical Control Technician:
• Diploma in Electrical Engineering with minimum 5 years hands-on experience in electrical protection/control commissioning, start-up and maintenance.
• Specific involvement in construction, commissioning and Start-Up of ABB and/or Schneider ELICS/PMS would be an advantage.
Senior Instrument Technician:
• Completion of secondary education with formal Trade Training in Instrument or Control Systems Engineering Crafts plus a minimum of 5 years direct Instrument and Trouble shooting maintenance experience in the Oil and Gas sector or Chemical Process Industries.
Senior Analyzer Technician:
• Completion of secondary education with formal Trade Training in instrument/ analyzer / control system engineering crafts plus a minimum of 5 years direct instrument and trouble shooting experiences on analyzers in the oil and gas sector or chemical process industries.
Senior Mechanical Technician:
• Completion of secondary education with formal Mechanical Trade Training plus a minimum of 5 years direct Mechanical Maintenance experience in Oil and Gas sector or Chemical Process industries.
• Knowledge of both static and rotating equipment.
Senior Electrical Technician:
• Completion of secondary education with formal Trade Training in Electrical Engineering craft plus a minimum of 5 years of direct Electrical Maintenance and trouble shooting experience in the Oil and Gas sector or Chemical Process industries.
• Knowledge of PLC s power generation and control equipment.
HVAC Foreman:
• Diploma in HVAC Systems together with 8 to 10 years of experience in Oil and Gas plant HVAC system as a team leader or Supervisor.
• Hands on experience in running and troubleshooting of HVAC systems installed in LNG or petrochemical plants are essential.
We are also inviting application for the following senior positions with a minimum of 10 years relevant experience:
Planning Engineer
Rotating Equipment Engineer
Workshop Supervisors
We are also inviting application for the following junior positions with a minimum of 6 years relevant experience:
Turbine Control Foreman
Senior Turbine Control Technician
Senior Condition monitoring Technician
Senior Vibration Technician
Qatargas offers a secure expatriate lifestyle in an international community with educational, medical and recreational facilities, competitive tax-free salaries, a full range of benefits, including family or bachelor housing, furnishings and generous paid annual vacation back to your country of origin.
Submit you CV by email with only the position applied for in the subject line (e.g. Mechanical Supervisor not Application for Mechanical Supervisor). Failure to follow this instruction will result in the application automatically being rejected.
Uzma Engineering Sdn Bhd
Uzma House, Fraser Business Park
Jalan Metro Pudu 2,55200
Kuala Lumpur
For more Information about Qatargas, the expatriate community, benefits and Qatar in general, visit www.qatargas.com
:: Oil and Gas Jobs
Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009
Vacancy at Qatar Gas
Diposting oleh
lowongan migas, oil & gas vacancy Engineer, lowongan migas, Oil and Gas vacancy, Qatar Gas
Vacancy at PT Patra Nusa Data
We are fast-growing Oil and Gas Data Management Company urgently required young professionals who will be located in BSD - Tangerang, to be positioned as;
1. Project-based Programmer
- Male/Female, age not later than 30.
- S-1/D-3 Information/Computer Technology or any technical major are welcome to apply.
- Familiar and experience with Web Programming Language
Web-based database application/software development.
2. Business Audit Staf
- Male/Female, age not later than 30.
- S-1/D-3 Information System/ Polytechnic.
- Able to operate computer (Office Application).
- Preferably having knowledge in auditing.
Applicants should send CV and photograph not later than March 7, 2009 to:
Human Resource Development
PT Patra Nusa Data
Taman Tekno BSD Sektor XI Blok G2/1
Tangerang 15314
Diposting oleh
lowongan migas, oil & gas vacancy Business Audit, lowongan migas, Oil and Gas vacancy, Patra Nusa Data, Programmer
Vacancy at Chevron
The Future of Opportunities
Berkantor pusat di San Ramon, California USA, beroperasi di ratusan negara, berkecimpung di semua aspek bisnis yang berhubungan dengan minyak bumi dan gas alam, termasuk eksplorasi dan produksi; pengilangan minyak; pemasaran dan transportasi; pabrik bahan-bahan kimia beserta pemasarannya; dan tenaga listrik. Di Indonesia, Chevron bekerja sama dengan BPMIGAS (Badan Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi) dalam bidang eksplorasi dan produksi dan bekerja sama dengan PERTAMINA dalam bidang panas bumi dan tenaga listrik.
Mengapa Anda harus bergabung dengan Chevron?
- Program remunerasi yang kompetitif: gaji, bonus dan tunjangan lain
- Memiliki teknologi mutakhir dan tenaga ahil kelas dunia
- Proyek-proyek yang sangat menantang serta reputasi bisnis yang baik
- Menjunjung tinggi etika dan menghargai keberagaman.
Agar tetap dapat mempertahankan pertumbuhan bisnis yang terus meningkat dan memperkuat kemampuan organisasi, Chevron di Indonesia saat ini mencari lulusan-lulusan baru maupun yang sudah berpengalaman.
Anda seorang yang potensial dan baru lulus (kelulusan 2006 - 31 juli 2009):
(Lowongan akan ditutup pada 28 Februari 2009)
(PE) Petroleum Engineer Teknik Perminyakan dan Teknik Kimia
(ES) Earth Scientist Teknik Geologi dan Teknik Geofisika
(DC) Drilling & Completion Engineer Teknik Perminyakan, Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Kimia
(FE) Facility Engineer Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Kimia
(OPS) Operator/Technician Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Kimia
Atau Anda seorang yang berpengalaman (relevan lebih dari 4 tahun): (Lowongan akan ditutup pada 20 Maret 2009)
(PE) Petroleum Engineer Teknik Perminyakan dan Teknik lain yang terkait
(ES) Earth Scientist Teknik Geologi dan Teknik Geofisika
(DC) Completion Engineer Teknik Mesin,Teknik Kimia dan Teknik Perminyakan
(FE) Facility Engineer Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Kimia
(OE-HES) HES Engineer Teknik Lingkungan, K3 dan Teknik Keselamatan
(IT) IT Engineer System Support Teknologi Informasi, Teknik Komputer dan Sistem Informasi
(PGPA) PR/Communication Specialist Komunikasi, Sosial Politik dan Ilmu Sosial lainnya
(SCM) Business Analyst Teknik dan Bisnis
(SCM) Marine Business Analyst Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri dan Manajemen Bisnis
(FIN) Finance Akuntansi dan Manajemen
(MED) Surgeon Spesialis Bedah Umum
(MED) Medical Officer Kedokteran Umum
(LAB) Laboratory Analyst Kimia/Kimia Analis dan Geologi
(MED) Nurse Keperawatan
(OPS) Operator/Technician Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin dan Teknik Kimia
(IT) IT Analyst Network & Telephony Teknik Telekomunikasi, Teknik Komputer dan Teknik Elektronika
(SCM) Helicopter Aircraft Engineer Teknik Mesin (Engine & Airframe)
- IPK minimal 3.00 (S1) dan IPK minimal 2.75 (D3)
- Lancar berbahasa Inggris
- Bersedia ditempatkan di semua daerah operasi Chevron
- Memiliki integritas tinggi dan dorongan kuat untuk berprestasi
Pelamar yang memiliki kualifikasi terbaik akan diundang untuk proses selanjutnya. Informasi tentang jadwal tes dan tata cara melamar, silahkan kunjungi situs kami di:
Diposting oleh
lowongan migas, oil & gas vacancy chevron, Engineer, IT, lowongan migas, Oil and Gas vacancy
Vacancy at Murhpy Oil
Murphy Semai Oil Company Ltd.
Murphy South Barito Ltd.
Murphy Oil Corporation is an international oil and gas company that conducts business through various operating subsidiaries. The Company produces oil and natural gas in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Ecuador and conducts exploration activities worldwide.
Being a pioneer in the region for deepwater exploration and production (Block K / Offshore Sabah) and with further operations in Sarawak, Murphy is well established in the region.
Murphy Oil recently signed 2 PSC s with the Indonesian Government for Semai II, West Papua and South Barito, South Kalimantan.
Providing a safe healthy work environment for all its staff and contractors as well as ongoing training and career development, Murphy is committed to developing the national workforce to its full potential.
Currently Murphy is looking to grow its Indonesian Operation by appointing exceptional leaders in their respective fields.
GEOLOGIST (09/0034)
Only the very best will be considered for these outstanding career opportunities.
Applications to be sent to:
Murphy Oil – C/O Benchmark Recruitment
Wisma Staco 7th Floor
Jl. Casablanca Kav. 18
Jakarta 12870
Email : murphyoil@benchrecruit.com
or visit our website : www.benchrecruit.com
Benchmark Recruitment
Performance Based Recruitment Guaranteed
Diposting oleh
lowongan migas, oil & gas vacancy Finance, Geologist, Geophysicist, lowongan migas, Murphy Oil, Oil and Gas, Procurement
Vacancy at Premier Oil
Premier Oil, an international oil and gas exploration and production Company with interest in the UK, Asia and Africa. We are currently seeking for high caliber candidate to fill the position. Successful applicant will play a large in helping the progress of the company.
We are looking for:
Financial System Coordinator
Main Responsibility:
• Continue improvement of Finance & Accounting system such as Sun System, Vision, Invoice processing, inventory control and other system.
• Continue improvement of Finance & Accounting procedures Manual.
• Liaise with other Departments and other Business Units to ensure other relevant system such as MP2 is fitting to Finance & Accounting system.
• Develop invoicing system for GSA2, GSA2 and GSA 4.
Fixed Asset Accountant
Main Responsibility:
• In line with the increasing government requirement to monitor the fixed asset more emphasis on keeping track on the physical asset location and condition of the asset as well as more frequent asset reporting Harmoni III reporting change from semi annually to quarterly, inventory, low value asset becomes part of the report also there will be a focus to establish asset procedure liaising with logistic to additional resources require to perform these tasks.
• Deliver fully reconciled Harmoni III report with the actual physical asset from the [physical check field work with accurate location, asset condition.
• Establish asset procedure with the logistic and HR Service team, for small/moveable asset, asset ordered, asset receive, asset numbering, project completion report, place into service and book in Harmoni III.
• Modify Harmoni III depreciation calculation to get ready for the new PSC term Oct 09. liase with BPMIGAS Harmoni III team to ensure that the depreciation calculation is accurate.
General Accountant
Main Responsibility:
• To ensure the financial reports are presented accurately and timely by maintaining general ledger and analyzing accounts balance; evaluating inter-company office recharges, evaluating prepayment, preparing G&A allocation, performing gas accounting practices, preparing debit notes to third party and inter group or inter company
• 5 - 7 yrs experience preferable from Oil and Gas Company.
• Fluent English both spoken and written.
Please submit a comprehensive resume in English with contact number not later than March 4, 2009 to:
E-mail : NPutranti@premier-oil.com
Please Note CVs not more than 1 MB and only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
Diposting oleh
lowongan migas, oil & gas vacancy Financial System Coordinator, Fixed Asset Accountant, lowongan migas, Premier Oil, Vacancy
Vacancy at ConocoPhillips
ConocoPhillips is an international, integrated energy company headquartered in Houston, Texas, and operating in more than 40 countries.
As a Production Sharing Contractor for BPMIGAS, we operate many producing and exploration blocks in Indonesia. To support our expanding operations in Indonesia, ConocoPhillips is looking for talented Indonesian nationals to fill in the following positions.
Basic Purpose:
The individual in this position will have the primary responsibility for developing the overall strategy and executing the combination of the offshore maintenance organization into a single robust organization.
The focus will be primarily around the offshore organization however for the maintenance process to be robust the offshore organizations and their routines will also need to be evaluated and changes made as appropriate.
The secondary responsibility of this position will be to provide guidance to the Operations and Engineering Excellence (OEE) Maintenance Management System (MMS) Supervisor as he works towards the development of a consistent and robust MMS for COPI.
• Holds an Associate/Bachelor s Degree in Engineering, (mechanical preferred).
• 10 - 20 years experience in Oil & Gas production facility maintenance and operations.
• 5+ years of experiences using computerized Plant Maintenance Management and Material Management systems.
• Possesses a high degree of organizational skills and demonstrates skills in planning, organization and implementation of maintenance programs.
• Has an understanding of Budgeting and fundamentals of business economics.
• Demonstrates judgment /decision making based on cost/risk vs. potential operational gain.
Basic Purpose:
Provide Mechanical Engineering support to COPI s Offshore & Onshore production operations. Responsible for the mechanical integrity of process equipment. Qualified to perform Mechanical Equipment/Systems evaluation, troubleshooting, feasibility studies, modifications; and supervise design, construction, and maintenance in accordance with applicable international, industry, and local codes and standards. High awareness of occupational health, safety & environmental issues. Must be able to collaborate and work effectively with other COPI teams. Demonstrate leadership and mentoring skills.
• Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering.
• Minimum 10 years field/engineering office experience, preferably in Oil & Gas field.
• Skilled / Mastery Level of Mechanical Engineering experience including but not limited to:
- Processing Equipment.
- Piping Systems.
- Unfired Pressure Vessels.
- Pumps, Turbines & Compressors.
- Valves.
- Lifting Equipment.
- Offshore & Onshore Structures.
- Fired Equipment – Boilers and Heaters.
- Atmospheric Storage Tanks.
- Heat Exchangers.
- Heating, Ventilation and Cooling Systems.
- Safety Systems.
- Operation and Maintenance.
Basic Purpose:
Responsible for the technical support and reliability of all Rotating/Mechanical Equipment (turbo machinery, pumps, compressors, engines, cranes, etc.) in COPI both onshore and offshore. Ensure rotating equipment maintenance strategies are in alignment with plant operating strategies.
• Engineering degree with a minimum of 10 - 20 years of experience in oil and gas environments or equivalent experience.
• Mechanical, reliability, facility, or rotating equipment engineering experience with an operations or maintenance background.
• Fundamental skills in fluid dynamics, energy conversion, dynamic response and vibration applied to machinery and equipment. Knowledge of RR Avons/RB211 s and Solar turbines would be beneficial. Use of Video images coping equipment and interpretation of images is desired.
• Broad knowledge in diagnosing, troubleshooting and repair of rotating equipment (including turbo machinery) used in gas/condensate/oil facilities.
• Broad understanding of various rotating equipment manufacturers products and services.
• Understands how to use CMMS to provide sound planning, material ordering and work execution.
• Know-how in planning, condition/performance monitoring, instrumentation, data acquisition and control system.
• Demonstrates strong leadership and communication skills and the ability to maintain effective relationships with team members and both office and field operations personnel.
• Good communication skills in English (speaking & writing).
Basic Purpose:
• The purpose of Corrosion Engineer role is to ensure all the COPI production facilities both offshore and onshore will perform without disruption/down time due to corrosion by setting-up the system management, implementing and coordinating all corrosion prevention, CP monitoring, chemical technology, and material/metallurgy engineering.
• He/She shall provide consultancies to engineering plant operation and maintenance to assure the corrosion rates of all the production facilities are within tolerable/design limits.
• The job requires a person with an engineering degree (S1) preferably in Chemical/Process, Metallurgy, or Mechanical Engineering with at least ten (10) years experience in corrosion engineering within the petroleum or petrochemical industry. Offshore and onshore experiences are required, as well as environmental (external) and process (internal) corrosion expertise. A strong knowledge of metallurgy, electrochemistry and chemicals application are also required. Basic understanding of HSE theory and application is necessary.
• A good understanding of general operations aspects of the oil & gas industry through field development, engineering, construction, operations and maintenance will be beneficial.
• The role requires good spoken and written English as well as the ability to work in a multinational environment both offshore and onshore.
• In addition to strong technical competency, the job requires leadership, management and communication skills to coordinate cross discipline personnel and liaise with other divisions.
Basic Purpose:
• The purpose of the Pipeline Integrity & Inspection Engineer is to ensure the technical integrity of the pipeline system (onshore and offshore), sub-sea system i.e. PLEMs, SPM, risers etc. and related facilities are managed properly and ensure that all quality-related activities are consistent with company and industry standards, codes, and regulations.
• He/She will provides services to personnel involved with plant operation and maintenance and other departments as needed to assure safe, practical use and maintenance of the respective assets.
• The job requires a person with an engineering degree (S1) preferably in Mechanical, Structural, Marine, or Metallurgy Engineering and at least 10 years experience in engineering / operations or inspection experience within the oil and gas industry. A strong knowledge of inspection management is necessary.
• Knowledge of inspection techniques and practices is essential. Knowledge of the various construction and maintenance codes and standards is very desirable.
• A good understanding of all aspects of the petrochemical industry from field acquisition through exploration, field development, engineering, manufacture, construction, operations, distribution and sales will be beneficial.
• The role requires good spoken and written English as well as the ability to work in a multinational environment both offshore and onshore.
• In addition to strong technical competency, the job requires leadership, management and communication skills to coordinate cross discipline personnel and liaise with other divisions including infrastructure and new.
Basic Purpose:
To ensure that the assigned Electrical modification or projects works are executed in an expedient, cost effective, safe manner and in compliance with the Company Engineering Standards and International Codes.
• Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering.
• Electrical Engineering Work for 6-10 years experience.
• Electrical Software Application.
• Working Knowledge of Electrical Engineering work which included:
- Circuit & Circuit Calculation.
- Drawing, Symbol and Documentation.
- Transmission and Distribution.
- Low and High Voltage Distribution System.
- Electronic System.
- Electrical Safety.
- Power System.
- Lighting.
- Wiring Practices.
- Industry Codes, Standards and Guidelines- Electrical.
- Hazardous Area.
- Equipment Selection Criteria.
Basic Purpose:
To ensure that the assigned Control System and Instrumentation modification or projects works are executed in an expedient, cost effective, safe manner and in compliance with the Company Engineering Standards and International Codes.
• Bachelor Degree in Physics / Instrument Engineering.
• Instrument Engineering Work for 6-10 years experience.
• Instrument Software Application.
• Working Knowledge of Instrument Engineering work which included:
- Fundamental Instrument and Control.
- Field Measurement Devices.
- Field Control Device.
- Control Theory.
- Control System.
- Control Room.
- Installation Practices.
- Industry code, standard and Guidelines- Instrument & Control.
- Control System Certification.
Basic Purpose:
The purpose of QA/QC Engineer is to ensure that the technical process of procurement, engineering, construction, and installation works are performed in accordance with codes, standards, and regulations. He/She shall also provides technical support and supervision to the QA/QC activities of Inspectors both within COPI and contractors.
• The job requires a person with engineering degree (S1) in Mechanical, Structural, Metallurgy, or Process Engineering with minimum 5 years experience in QA/QC works of oil and gas facilities.
• Possess the inspector certificates for ASNT II, welding, pressure vessel, piping, tank, crane, steam boiler, radiography.
• The roles require good spoken and written in English as well as ability to work in a multinational environment.
Basic Purpose:
Provide Facility Engineering support to COPI s Offshore & Onshore production operations. Responsible for evaluation, troubleshooting, feasibility studies, and modification of process facilities. Familiar with design, construction, and maintenance issues of oil and gas facilities in accordance with applicable international, industry, and local codes and standards. High awareness of occupational health, safety & environmental issues. Must be able to collaborate and work effectively with other COPI teams.
• Bachelor Degree in Chemical or Mechanical Engineering preferred.
• 1-5 years field/engineering office experience, preferably in Oil & Gas field.
• Awareness/Working Level of Facilities Engineering experience including but not limited to:
- Processing Equipment.
- Piping Systems.
- Unfired Pressure Vessels.
- Pumps, Turbines & Compressors.
- Valves.
- Lifting Equipment.
- Offshore & Onshore Structures.
- Fired Equipment – Boilers and Heaters.
- Atmospheric Storage Tanks.
- Heat Exchangers.
- Heating, Ventilation and Cooling Systems.
- Safety Systems.
- Operation and Maintenance.
Basic Purpose:
To provide day to day engineering and maintenance support to field operation. Identify maintenance opportunities to improve reliability. Implement work processes developed by OEE to improve reliability of equipment. Reviews LPO s and actively pursue defect elimination opportunities.
• Bachelor Degree (S1) in Mechanical / Electrical / Instrument / Chemical Engineering.
• At least 5-10 years experience in a maintenance and engineering role in oil & gas industry.
• At least having 3 years experiences in SAP application related to the reliability engineer job.
Basic Purpose:
• Reports to the OEE Engineering Development Manager and is responsible for leading QA/QC and Certification activities in support of day-to-day operations of Offshore and Onshore facilities.
• Accountable for the execution of the RBI, statutory certification, fabrication, corrosion, and fugitive emissions inspection programs that are loaded into SAP, ensuring inspection data is received in a timely manner and stored in an appropriate document control system in alignment with current QA/QC engineering software (i.e.: Ultrapipe, Orbit, Promia, etc.).
• Responsibility for the management of the various contractors who provide field and office services in relation to inspection and will be responsible for ensuring that budgets and forecasts are prepared in a timely and accurate manner.
• Engineering Degree (S1 or Bachelors).
• 10-20 years experience in operations and/or projects role with offshore platforms, onshore oil & gas facilities including pipelines.
• Prefer experience with QA/QC, inspection, testing, maintenance programs, and knowledge around QA/QC new technologies. Knowledge of facility industry standards of inspection.
Basic Purpose:
The purpose of QA/QC Inspector is to coordinate all field works related to integrity program such as inspection, QA/QC, pipeline integrity, and certification to ensure that the program is implemented as planned in accordance with defined requirements.
• The job requires a person with minimum D3 in engineering background with 8 years minimum experience or High school graduate with 12 years minimum experience.
• Possess the Inspector certificates for ASNT II, welding, pressure vessel, piping, tank, crane, steam boiler, radiography.
• Have working knowledge of English, both written and verbal.
• Willing to work remotely.
Only those individuals who fully meet the above requirements need apply. Write down THE POSITION TITLE you apply in the subject of your email. Send your application and CV not later than March 3, 2009 to :
Other vacancies at ConocoPhillips Indonesia can also be accessed through JobsDB.com
Diposting oleh
lowongan migas, oil & gas vacancy engineering, jobs, karir di conocophillips, lowongan di conocophillips, maintenance manager, mechanical, senior staff